Today I took Benjamin to the park to play in the snow. I'm sure you can tell by the pictures ... but he hates the snow! He can't walk on it, and he just stands in 1 spot crying because he can't move. I know the family wants to see happy pictures of Ben, but thought I'd put these ones up so you can see his funny sad face.
Benjamin has been learning to Tickle us. He will run up to us and say "Tickle Tickle" .. and he will try tickle us. The other day he got so excited to Tickle something that he started tickling the concrete walk path.
08/24/2009 Whenever we get in the car, Benjamin has to make sure that we put our seatbelts on. He will say, "Belt Belt Belt" until we put the belt on. The other day he reminded me to put my belt on and he said, "Daddy good boy!"